SERSTECH AB: Serstech terminates agreement and renews its position in South-East Asia 20 August, 2018 SERSTECH AB: Half-year report 1 January - 30 June 2018 16 August, 2018 SERSTECH AB: Serstech hires new VP R&D and Products 18 May, 2018


CEO Stefan Sandor presenterar Serstech på aktiedagen i Stockholm. 2 September How updated is your Serstech 100 Indicator Software? 2 May, 2017 /by 

Identify any solid or liquid chemical substance in seconds using Raman technology. SERSTECH AB: Serstech terminates agreement and renews its position in South-East Asia 20 August, 2018 SERSTECH AB: Half-year report 1 January - 30 June 2018 16 August, 2018 SERSTECH AB: Serstech hires new VP R&D and Products 18 May, 2018 Serstech 100 Indicator, handheld Raman spectrometer, is made for measuring chemicals: Explosives, Narcotics, Hazardous substances and Chemical Warfare Agents. Availability Commercially Available The Serstech 100 Indicator is a hand-held, small and light Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14.000 substances. Customisable with fully validated and data-enriched libraries. The identification of unknown substances has never been easier, quicker or more precise. Serstech Arx and Arx+ introduce the industry-first autofocus solution SharpEye TM that instantly adapts to the sample and the container.

Serstech 100 indicator

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Identify any solid or liquid chemical substance in seconds using Raman technology. The sample does not need to be removed from its container and will not be destroyed […] Serstech 100 Indicator ger omedelbart svar som är lätt att förstå. Alla bibliotek har utvecklats av Serstechs kemister och anpassats till Serstech 100 Indicator. Varje ämne har relevanta GHS-symboler, CAS-nummer och i många fall ytterligare text som förklarar ämnets egenskaper. Serstech 100 Indicator väger mindre än 650 gram Serstech 100 Indicator, handheld Raman spectrometer, is made for measuring chemicals: Explosives, Narcotics, Hazardous substances and Chemical Warfare Agents. Availability. 0 0 Malin Bergholm

It was designed to be mounted to the back side of AR500 steel  The T1000 is a rugged target hit indicator with a weatherproof enclosure and long battery life. It was designed to be mounted to the back side of AR500 steel  Highlights.

The Serstech 100 Indicator is easy to use, truly hand-held and insensitive to water. The sample does not need to be removed from its container 

The Serstech 100 Indicator is small and light.It fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and in uniform pocket. Robust.It’s high quality build enables you to get lab-quality analysis in even the toughest field conditions. Serstech 100 Indicator & ChemDash Software. The Serstech 100 handheld Raman spectrometer can identify more than 14,000 different substances. It is customizable and works with fully validated chemical libraries. The ChemDash Software provides analysis and decision reports in real time.

tre affärssegment: Serstech 100 Indicator, Serstech ChemDash samt Serstech  Det är företaget Serstech som sålt in sin scanner Indicator 100 till Sydostasien vilket innebär ett omfattande tillverkningsuppdrag för Optronic,  Serstech har lyckats minimera storleken på sitt instrument, Serstech 100 Indicator, med hjälp av egenutvecklad optik samt avancerade algoritmer. Företag: Serstech AB med bidraget Serstech 100 Indicator. Student: Robert Persson och Henrik Jern med bidraget Walnut Wave. Micro/Nano: Zipwake AB med  Sidan 13-Serstech - SERT Aktier. Serstech 100 Indicator och ChemDash molntjänst som spänner över två år, till slutet av 2017.
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Serstech 100 indicator

With Serstech’s SERS Kit for the 100 Indicator, difficult drug samples are no longer a problem.

This small, yet robust handheld analyser can be used to detect narcotics, explosives, hazardous chemicals, chemical warfare agents and pharmaceutical actives as well. Το συγκεκριμένο βίντεο ανήκει σε σειρά από βιντεοσκοπημένες λειτουργίες του Serstech 100 Indicator - Flash Photonics Inc., Distribution and Optical Sensing - Verify and identify substances in seconds Handheld, Accurate, Light Το συγκεκριμένο βίντεο ανήκει σε σειρά από βιντεοσκοπημένες λειτουργίες του 2021-04-01 About Serstech AB Serstech raises awareness of chemicals by combining measurements from a hand-held Raman spectrometer, Serstech 100 Indicator, with a secure system solution, ChemDash. The user-friendly solution identifies, manages and analyses chemicals which could affect public safety, such as explosives, narcotics and hazardous materials.
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Serstech today launches two new instruments - Serstech Arx and Serstech 100 Indicator, Serstech ChemDash samt Serstech Training.

Ramanspektrometer, Serstech 100 Indicator, med en säker systemlösning, ChemDash. 2020-02-27, Arve Nilsson, 100 000 2021-04-29, Delårsrapport Q1, Serstech tre affärssegment: Serstech 100 Indicator, Serstech ChemDash samt Serstech  Erfarenheterna kan påkalla omprövning av åtgärderna, Serstech 100 Indicator. Våren 1997 deltog Sverigedemokraternas Johan Rinderheim i  2015 − Serstech AB med Serstech 100 Indicator.

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The Serstech 100 Indicator is a reliable and cost-effective device used for assessing chemicals with libraries for explosives, narcotics, hazardous substances and chemical warfare agents. The indicator is handheld, portable and easy to use, ideal for chemical threat detection. All-in-one solution with one instrument for all types of chemicals

Truly hand-held.

High quality range of Raman Spectrometer 100 Indicator products available at low cost with Free Delivery available (Terms and Conditions apply)

Robust.It’s high quality build enables you to get lab-quality analysis in even the toughest field conditions. Serstech is a Swedish company that specialises in designing and manufacturing high quality, hand-held Raman Spectrometer technology. Their principle device, the Serstech 100 Indicator, is a hand-held, light-weight Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14,000 substances.Their chemical intelligence software, Chemdash,is the perfect tool for managing intelligence, evidence and substance The Serstech 100 Indicator can identify any solid or liquid chemical substance, including explosives, narcotics and hazardous chemicals, using Raman technology. Serstech’s all new Heroin ID (SERS) Kit can detect heroin from crude “street quality” samples which are characteristically difficult to analyze.

El Indicador Serstech 100 es un espectrómetro RAMAN portátil, pequeño y ligero que puede identificar más de 14,000 sustancias. Se puede personalizar con  16 Aug 2018 The Serstech 100 indicator is ideal for assessing chemicals.